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Introduction to Industrial AI

Introduction to Industrial AI

Artificial Intelligence (AI) promises better, more human-like decision-making and more autonomous operation, yet 87% of machine learning models never make it to production. The disconnect between AI technologists (IT) and industrial stakeholders (OT, from executive to the plant floor) significantly drives this failure. This disconnect shows itself as a lack of common understanding of AI capabilities, lack of common terminology to discuss AI solutions, and no framework for discussing AI Automation at various organizational altitudes.

The audience for this course is industrial stakeholders that own and operate industrial processes. This includes business executives, innovation teams, plant / line managers, process engineers, controls engineers, line supervisors, and industrial data scientists. We will provide a 101-level introduction that helps industrial stakeholders like you navigate the confusing AI landscape. The course arms will arm you with context that helps you select technologies, service providers, and vendors that will help you improve your manufacturing and logistics process control. The result is the foundation of building AI-powered automation that passes the ethics, explainability, and trust criteria needed to reach production and significant return on investment.

The course has been designed and will be presented by Kence Anderson, AI author and start-up founder, formerly with Microsoft Bonsai. 


  • How Machines Make Decisions
  • How AI Can Improve Industrial Automation
  • AI for Perception: How Machine Learning Helps You Understand What's Happening
  • AI for Taking Action: Reinforcement Learning Decides What to Do
  • Deploying AI-Powered Automation

Cancellation Policy
Paid registrants may cancel until midnight on February 21, 2024 without charge. After that date, a $100 cancellation fee applies. No refunds after the program begins February 26, 2024. To cancel your registration to this event, please contact the Association Headquarters at +1 (734) 994-6088 or

Please noteAttendees must register by February 26, 2024. This is to ensure that registered attendees receive the training materials and access link before the training. Attendee training materials and access link are sent 1-Day before the training no later than 11:30 am ET.
2/27/2024 11:00 AM - 3:30 PM
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