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A Compendium of Lamination Steel Alloys Commonly Used in Electronics
An invaluable resource for designers and engineers of electric machines of all types, the EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD is a single source of magnetic property data on the electromagnetic materials used in the laminated cores of electric motors. Seven years in development and with contributions from leading ­manufacturers of lamination steels, much of it previously unpublished, this CD contains the most ­comprehensive collection of magnetization, core loss and other information on lamination steels published.  
Individual: 1 User License - NEW PURCHASE
EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD
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EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD

Non-Member Rate: 3,000.00
Member Rate: 1,500.00
Individual: 1 User License - UPGRADE PRICE
EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD
(Price for previous purchasers of a First or Second Edition 1 User License)
Non-Member Rate: 1,400.00
Member Rate: 400.00
Company: 5 User License - UPGRADE PRICE
EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD
(Price for previous purchasers of a First or Second Edition 5 User License)
Non-Member Rate: 2,800.00
Member Rate: 1,200.00

Special Pricing For Universities
Universities MUST provide an official purchase order or an authorized letter on University stationery to be invoiced.
Individual: 1 User License - New Purchase
EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD - University
Non-Member Rate: 1,500.00
Member Rate: 200.00
Company: 5 User License - NEW PURCHASE
EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD - University

Terms that apply to the EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD
1 User License: Authorizes the licensee to use the EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD on any individual computer or to install the contents on a single computer.
5 User License: Authorizes the licensee to use the EMERF Lamination Steels Third Edition CD on any individual computer or to install the contents on not more than five individual computers or to place the contents on a network with access by not more than five users.

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