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Ryan Janzen is a scientist, engineering researcher, and entrepreneur.  Featured on the Discovery Channel, Wired magazine, and Through the Wormhole, Janzen's work has led to advances in acoustics, optics, aerospace electronics, mathematics, and vehicle propulsion.  He has produced more than 40 scientific publications and 70+ international lectures and media interviews. 

Janzen is co-founder and CTO of TransPod, designing a next generation of ultra-high-speed aerospace vehicles, to move passengers and cargo between cities at over 1000 km/h.  TransPod is designing hyperloop infrastructure and vehicles, with a reduced dependency on fossil fuels – creating the future of transportation.


The 5th Mode of Transportation – Making the Hyperloop a Reality

TransPod’s target market is the one trillion dollar plus global transportation market. Mr. Janzen will discuss this innovative high-speed transportation and its impact on both cargo and individual transportation. Automation companies need to understand the relatively short timeline to reality and the opportunities that this presents.