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Thomas Patton, President of Genesis-Icesa Systems (GIS), has more than 30 years of experience working with the automotive industry in Mexico. Thomas is accountable for the Mexican operation.

Genesis-Icesa Systems is a JV established in May 2011 between Genesis Systems Group and Icesa Modicon. Genesis-Icesa Systems pulls strengths from both companies to become the most capable robotic systems integrator in Mexico. GIS is proud to be recognized as the very first RIA certified robotics integrator in Mexico in 2016.

Because of his Bicultural and Bilingual background, his industry knowledge and experience he has been invited as guest speaker and roundtable participant at several events organized by both the Secretary of Economy and Secretary of Foreign Relations in Mexico as well as other business forums.

Thomas Patton holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Clemson University. He also participated in a yearlong Technology Business Accelerator TechBA program in Silicon Valley sponsored by the US-Mexico Foundation for Science.